
Ugazio, V., & Castelli, D.

The Semantics Grid of the Dyadic Therapeutic Relationship (SG-DTR)

The article introduces the Semantics Grid of the Dyadic Therapeutic Relationship (SG-DTR), a coding system for the analysis of the therapeutic relationship. It is inspired by the systemic and cognitivist therapeutic field of research on meaning and psychopathology and make testable the concept of family semantic polarities, developed by Ugazio (1998, 2013). The SG-DTR identifies the interactive semantic polarities, that is, the semantic oppositions inferred by how the patient and therapist position themselves in the here and now of their mutual interaction. The grid captures the specificity of the psychotherapeutic relationship and identifies four main ways of relating and positionings between patient and therapist, expression of the four semantics ― freedom, goodness, power and belonging ― identified by Ugazio. The SG-DTR is a research and a clinical reliable tool. Knowing the meanings and the position of the therapist in his/her interaction with the patient is essential also to plan the therapy.

Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 2015, Vol. 22, pp. 135-159, DOI: 10.4473/TPM22.1.8
