
Berlanda, S., Pedrazza, M., Trifiletti, E., & Fraizzoli, M.

Sources of physicians’ well-being: An explorative qualitative study

We explore the perceived sources of physicians’ well-being at work. The study was conducted by applying a qualitative research design. Six hundred and eighty-seven physicians completed an online questionnaire. Data were examined according to the grounded theory, using N-Vivo 11. Results highlight four areas of the physicians’ well-being experience: relationships at work, enhancement of competence and professionalism, physicians’ institutional and social recognition, and autonomy and control over work processes. Well-being is the product of multiple factors depending on the way professionals perceive their work environment and their daily work experience, identifying them as sources of comfort and well-being. Interesting differences emerge by gender, age, and attachment style. Practical implications of findings are discussed.

Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 2018, Vol. 25, pp. 121-137, DOI: 10.4473/TPM25.1.7
